Connecting is key
Partnership building was key to the work of the Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health (ACEWH). ACEWH played a unique role in researching, building dialogue, providing analysis, strengthening policy, and promoting women's health within our local community, regionally, nationally, and globally.
- Our work supported Dalhousie University's engagement in the community and specifically with marginalized and vulnerable populations that might not have otherwise engaged with the university.
- We regularly worked with policy makers and translated research knowledge to support the formulation of gender-aware policies.
- Internationally, our long-term partnerships, with key researchers in the global south, extended Dalhousie's presence abroad by providing exciting opportunities for knowledge exchange.
ACEWH's partners included:
- Aboriginal Health Research Centre, Nova Scotia
- Aboriginal Women's Health, Health Canada
- Aboriginal Women's Health and Healing Research Group
- Acadia University
- Acadian Affairs
- Action Canada for Population and Development
- Adsum House
- AIDS Coalition of Cape Breton
- AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia
- Alberta Network of Immigrant Women
- Alberta Prion Research Institute
- Antigonish Women's Resource Centre
- Association of Nova Scotian Midwives
- Association québécois des organismes de coopération international (AQOCI)
- Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program
- Atlantic Council for International Cooperation
- Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre
- Atlantic Interdisciplinary Research Network
- Atlantic Metropolis Centre
- Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs
- Atlantic Summer Institute Partners including: Nova Scotia Department of Finance, PEI Attorney General's Office, Atlantic Coordinating Committee on Crime Prevention, Réseau Santé-Nouvelle-Écosse, and The Quaich Inc.
- Birth Matters
- Birthing Options Research Network
- Black Business Initiative
- Black Loyalists' Settlement
- Blueprint for Action on Women and HIV
- Breast Cancer Action Nova Scotia
- British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women's Health
- Bryony House
- Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
- Canadian AIDS Society
- Canadian Association for the Fifty-Plus
- Canadian Association of Midwives
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Canadian Council on Social Development
- Canadian Crossroads International, Atlantic Division
- Canadian Health Network
- Canadian Institute for Health Information
- Canadian Institutes for Health Research
- Canadian International Development Agency
- Canadian Labour Congress
- Canadian Microbicides Action Plan
- Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
- Canadian Public Research Network
- Canadian Red Cross, Atlantic zone
- Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women
- Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS
- Canadian Union of Public Employees
- Canadian Women's Health Network
- Caregivers Nova Scotia
- Centre de bénévolat de la péninsule acadienne
- Centre for Life Long Learning, UPEI
- Centre for Research on Family Health
- Citizenship and Immigration
- Coady International Institute
- Coastal Communities Network
- Commonwealth Secretariat
- Community Accounts Newfoundland
- Community Action on Homelessness
- Cooper Institute
- Dalhousie Gay and Lesbian Alliance
- Dalhousie University
- Department of National Defence
- Disabled Peoples' Commission
- DisAbled Women's Network
- Doula program (NS)
- Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia
- Every Women's Centre
- Family Health Centre
- Family Support Centre, C.F.B. Greenwood
- Federation des femmes Acadienne de la Nouvelle Écosse
- FemNorthNet Partners including: Canadian Labour Congress, Child Care Coalition of Manitoba, Disabled Women's Network of Canada, Labrador West Status of Women Council, Labrador City, Mokami Status of Women Council, Happy-Valley Goose Bay
- Feminist Alliance for International Action
- Feminists for Just and Equitable Public Policy
- Food Security Network of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Friends of Midwifery in Newfoundland
- Gender, Race and Health Working Group
- Global Campaign for Microbicides
- Global Health Office, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
- Government of News Brunswick Executive Council Office, Women's Issues
- GPI Atlantic (Genuine Progress Indicators)
- Halifax Chamber of Commerce
- Halifax Refugee Clinic
- Halifax Regional School Board
- Healing Our Nations
- Health Association of African Canadians
- Health Law Institute
- Health Promotion and Protection Branch, Health Canada
- Health Quality Council, New Brunswick
- HIV/AIDS Legal Network
- Human Development Council, New Brunswick
- Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
- Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa
- Institute for Gender Research, University of Calgary
- Institute of Gender and Health, CIHR
- International Research and Development, Dalhousie University
- Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development
- International Development Studies, Dalhousie University and Saint Mary's University
- Irondale Theatre Ensemble
- Lakehead University
- Maritime Data Centre for Aging Research and Policy Analysis
- McMaster University of Newfoundland
- Memorial University
- Metro Sexual Health
- Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association
- Midwifery Coalition of Nova Scotia
- Midwives Association of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut
- Military Family Resource Centre, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
- Moncton Business and Professional Women's Club
- Mount Allison University
- Mount Saint Vincent University
- Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Research on Violence Against Women
- Naomi Society, Nova Scotia
- National Collaborating Centre on the Determinants of Health
- National Crime Prevention Centre
- National Network on Environment and Women's Health
- National Organization of Immigrant and Visible Minority Women of Canada
- New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women
- New Brunswick Common Front for Social Justice
- New Brunswick Maternity and Newborn Care Working Group
- Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Midwives
- North End Community Health Clinic
- Northern AIDS Connection Society
- Nova Scotia Advisory Commission on AIDS
- Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women
- Nova Scotia Association of Social Workers
- Nova Scotia Centre on Aging
- Nova Scotia Department of Community Services
- Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness
- Nova Scotia Department of Health Promotion and Protection
- Nova Scotia Department of Justice
- Nova Scotia Department of Primary Health Care and Health Policy
- Nova Scotia Department of Tourism, Culture and Heritage
- Nova Scotia Doula Program
- Nova Scotia Federation of Labour
- Nova Scotia Government Employees' Union
- Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation
- Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities
- Nova Scotia Teachers' Union
- Nunatsiavut Government
- Office of Acadian Affairs
- Office of African-Nova Scotian Affairs
- Ontario Women's Health Council
- Oxfam Canada
- Participatory Action Research and Training Centre on Food Security, Mount Saint Vincent University
- Phoenix Youth Program
- Pictou County Women's Centre
- Pictou Landing First Nation
- PolicyLink New Brunswick
- Population Health Branch – Health Canada
- Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence
- Premier’s Council on Social Policy Renewal, New Brunswick
- Prince Edward Island Health Research Institute
- Provincial Advisory Council on the Status of Women
Newfoundland and Labrador - Public Health Agency of Canada
- Public Service Alliance of Canada, Atlantic Region
- Public Service Alliance of Nova Scotia
- Public Service Commission
- Regroupment Féministe due Nouveau-Brunswick
- Reproductive Care Program
- Roundtable on Women’s Economic Security
- Rural and Small Town Planning, Mount Allison University
- Rural Research Centre, Nova Scotia Agricultural College
- Rural Secretariat
- Saint Mary's University
- School of Nursing Research Committee, Faculty of Health Professions
- School of Nursing, Memorial University
- Seniors' Secretariat
- Single Parent Association of Newfoundland
- Single Parent Centre
- Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance
- Social Development Canada
- Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Information Dissemination Service (SafAIDS)
- St. Francis Xavier University
- Statistics Canada (Atlantic)
- Stepping Stone
- Territory of NunatuKavut
- The Women's Place
- Transition House Association of Nova Scotia
- TriCounty Women's Centre
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- University of Guelph
- University of New Brunswick
- University of Ottawa
- University of Prince Edward Island, Department of Family and Nutritional Sciences
- University of Regina
- University of Saskatchewan
- University of Toronto
- University of Western Ontario
- University of Winnipeg
- Voices of Positive Women
- Western Health Authority, Newfoundland
- Women Affiliate Project Advisory Group
- Women and Health Care Reform
- Women and Health Protection Working Group
- Women in Public Policy
- Women Matter, Women Vote
- Women's Centre, Newfoundland
- Women's Centres CONNECT!
- Women's Employment Outreach
- Women's Health Network, Newfoundland
- Women's Issue Branch, Government of New Brunswick
- Women's Network, Prince Edward Island
- Women's Policy Office, Newfoundland
- Women's Services, Coordinators of Nova Scotia Addictions Services
- YMCA Newcomers' Association
- York University