Dalhousie Canada Research Chair (CRC) Renewal Process
Updated January 2019
Canada Research Chairs (CRC) are renewable once for a seven year (Tier 1) or a five year (Tier 2) term. For scholars who have retired, the program guide for the Canada Research Chairs indicates that the Chair must be relinquished and scholars with emeritus or post-retirement appointments are not eligible to hold Canada Research Chairs. In cases where a Canada Research Chair becomes available as a result of a resignation, retirement or non-renewal of a candidate, the Chair returns to the President for possible reallocation in light of the University’s Strategic Research Plan following a process similar to that used originally.
Procedural Steps
1) Approximately one year prior to the final deadline to renew a Canada Research Chair award, the Vice President Research & Innovation will convene a meeting with the appropriate Dean and the Vice President Academic to discuss the University’s allocation of CRCs.
If the University’s inventory of CRCs permits renewal, the CRC program’s renewal criteria with respect to the integration of the Chair holder's research with the University's Strategic Research and Innovation Direction and the quality of the Chair holder and of his or her proposed program of research will be reviewed.
2) If renewal of the Chair is deemed to be possible, the Vice President Academic will notify the Dean responsible for the Chair and the Faculty will complete an internal review of the Chair holder.
The review of the Chair holder will be undertaken by a standing committee within the Faculty formed or convened by the Faculty for the specific purpose of reviewing and recommending renewals of Chair holders. The Dean will provide a list of the committee members to the Vice President Academic. The review process must adhere to any requirements for appointment of a CRC required by the CRC program.
The Faculty review will address the scholarly qualities of the Chair holder, the integration of the Chair holder's research with the university's Strategic Research Plan and the Chair holder’s performance in relation to the selection criteria of the CRC program.
3) The committee will make their recommendation in written form to the Dean.
4) The Dean will review the recommendation and indicate to the Vice President Academic whether she/he agrees with the review process and the committee’s recommendation.
If renewal is recommended, the Dean’s letter to the Vice President Academic will outline how the renewal is integrated with the University’s Strategic Research Plan and address the quality of the Chair holder and the proposed program of research.
5) The Vice President Academic will communicate the final decision of the University concerning renewal of the candidate to the Dean, who will inform the Department Chair and the Chair holder.
6) The Vice President Research & Innovation will coordinate the renewal application.
Dalhousie University has decided not to allow CRCs applying for renewal to apply for additional CFI research infrastructure funding through the CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund if they received CFI funding for their first CRC application.
More detailed information on the renewal process can be found on the CRC website