Funding, News and Announcements

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University Delegates

Posted by Jaq-Lin Larder on October 14, 2024 in Announcements

Multifactor Authentication in ResearchNet

As of September 18, 2024, multifactor authentication (MFA) will be enabled for all ResearchNet users, and will be triggered every time a user signs in. Upon sign-in, a verification code will be sent to the email address connected to a user’s ResearchNet account. Users will need to enter this code to log in to ResearchNet. The code expires after 10 minutes. Please ensure that the email address connected to the account profile is kept current.

Increased Graduate Student Scholarship and Postdoctoral Fellowship funding.

During the summer, CIHR posted a message regarding the coming increases to the values of tri-agency scholarships and fellowships and recommendations for graduate student and postdoctoral fellow funding levels.

The annual value of all current and new master’s and doctoral student scholarships will increase to $27,000 and $40,000, respectively, and current and new postdoctoral fellowships will increase to $70,000. This award increase will take effect for new and ongoing awards on September 1, 2024.

Tri-agency scholarship and fellowship recipients who received their awards in Spring 2024 will receive a revised ‘Authorization for Funding’ document that reflect the increased value of scholarships/fellowships this fall.   

When budgeting for trainee stipends in grant applications, applicants are encouraged to ask for a budget that is consistent with the research project proposed, including the need to pay students a fair stipend in consideration of the new award values. 

CIHR will continue to instruct reviewers that they are not to adjudicate the stipend amounts requested, but rather the number of students proposed to do the work. CIHR staff present during review will intervene to prevent budget cuts that contravene the CIHR position on paying trainees a fair wage.

Formatting and budget

CIHR clarified that hyperlinks, including links to documents hosted on a Google drive (or other similar drives) must not be included in any attachments within your application. Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) to reference your publications are permitted.

Some funding from Budget 2024’s increases for the granting councils is anticipated for CIHR in fiscal year 2024/2025 and 2025/2026, however the amounts have yet to be confirmed as CIHR continues to work through the details with its partners in government. More information will be provided once available.

Changes to Notice of Recommendation and Decision.

There will be changes in the reporting on Project Grant Notice of Recommendation and Notice of Decisions. Applicants will not be informed of their rank but will be informed of the funding “zone” that the final scores fall into. The zones will be top 90-100%, 75-90%, 50-75%, 25-50% or 0-25%.  Additional notes regarding formatting errors will be provided on Notice of Recommendation.

Applicants in the 75-90% zone at the Notice of Recommendation may or may not be funded.  Priority announcements results will be provided on Notice of Decision.

Information about the Tri-Agency Cap Stone project is not yet available.

Other Updates

A second competition for CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity and Independence (REDI) program has not been announced.

The policy for Clinical Trials Registration and Disclosure was released in 2022. CIHR continues to increase awareness and education among Nominated Principal Investigators for clinical trials. CIHR continues to monitor compliance with the policy and see that ~57% of funded clinical trials were registered. CIHR contacted the central research services offices in the cases where registration of funded trials had not yet occurred. Following that outreach ~97% of CIHR-funded clinical trials are now registered.

Applications numbers for CIHR are increased in Fall 2024 relative to Spring 2024.

Important CIHR dates:

Fall Registration                                                                      
Aug 14, 2024

Fall Deadline                                                              
Sept 11, 2024

Fall Notice of Recommendation (NOR):                
Jan 15, 2025

Fall Anticipated Notice of Decision (NOD):           
Jan 29, 2025

Funding Start Date:                                                   
April 1, 2025

Spring Registration                                                   
Feb 5, 2025

Springl Deadline                                                        
Mar 5, 2025

Spring Notice of Recommendation (NOR):           
July 3, 2025

Spring Anticipated Notice of Decision (NOD):      
July 17, 2025

Funding Start Date                                                    
Oct 1, 2025

 ResearchNet keeps a list of Current Funding Opportunities and Priority Announcements.  ResearchNet - RechercheNet