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Horizon Europe Pillar II

Posted by Jaq-Lin Larder on July 29, 2024 in Announcements

Following the announcement of the finalization of Canada’s association to Pillar II of Horizon Europe ORS would like to take the opportunity to provide updates that will enhance the Dalhousie community’s ability to respond to calls for applications to Horizon Europe (HE).

1. Upcoming Information Session and Workshop

ORS will be hosting a hybrid information session and workshop during the afternoon of September 10 with special guest Dr. Maria Pawlowska, Open Science and International Partnerships Lead at Visnea. Dr. Pawlowska will present a half-day workshop on Horizon Europe discussing an overview of topics such as identifying suitable calls/topics, proposal development, building consortia, HE terminology, budget preparation, and tips and tricks for applying to HE. As Dr. Pawlowska has experience both applying to and managing Horizon Europe projects, this event will be an invaluable opportunity for researchers to ask questions and gain insight into the complexities of applying to Horizon Europe. Updates and information will continue to be shared in the ORS Newsletter.

If you are attending this event, please submit an RSVP by visiting this link here.

Refreshments and snacks will be served during the session. The location of the event will be announced soon.

2. ORS Internal Deadlines for Horizon Europe Applications

ISED advises Canadian researchers to join consortia led by European partners, rather than lead projects. Dalhousie must comply with the lead institution's internal deadlines and provide ORS sufficient time to review the call requirements, eligibility criteria, complex budgets, application components, and any associated legal agreements or terms. ORS is establishing an internal deadline of a minimum of 4 weeks before the lead institution's deadline for internal review of the proposed research and budget that will occur at Dalhousie. Factors such as the complexity of Horizon Europe calls, application development, budget preparation, and ORS legal review time (3-4 weeks) have assisted in determining a suitable internal deadline.

If any Horizon Europe calls are of interest, researchers are strongly encouraged to email as soon as possible to begin discussing the potential application.  

Please reach out with any questions to or