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US Mission to Canada Funding Opportunities

Posted by Jaq-Lin Larder on January 16, 2023 in Research Funding

Proposals are invited for programs that promote bilateral cooperation and highlight shared values. All programs must include an American perspective, societal or cultural element, or connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s in a specific field that will promote an increased understanding of U.S. policies and perspectives. Grants available through this program are intended to serve as one-time opportunities that can help launch projects that should be sustainable after the project period is over.

Funding opportunities include:

  • Accelerate Climate Ambitions Grant
  • Advancing Diversity and Inclusion Grant
  • Building Global Alliances Grant
  • Building Back Better Grant
  • Bolstering Security and Defense Grant

The PD Grants Committee recommends that applicants submit proposals three to six months in advance of the project start date.

More information about each opportunity and a schedule of the three rounds of reviews and their corresponding deadlines can be found here.


Internal: Ten days prior to the funder deadline. Contact email is For additional resources, click here for guidance on internal deadlines and submission processes.

Funder: Deadlines vary. Please visit the link above for a schedule of the reviews for each round. Contact email is