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Office of the Privacy Commissioner ‑ Contributions Program 2023‑24 ‑ Call for Proposals

Posted by Jaq-Lin Larder on January 3, 2023 in Research Funding

Updated January 5, 2023

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) funds independent privacy research and related knowledge translation initiatives through its Contributions Program. It is an opportunity for innovative research and public awareness initiatives that seek to better understand and address key and emerging issues related to privacy.

This year, the OPC is calling for proposals answering to the theme “The future is now! Assessing and managing the privacy impacts of immersive and embeddable technologies.” By "immersive", it means technologies that merge the physical and virtual worlds, and by "embeddable", it refers to technologies that are capable of reaching deep inside an individual and deducing – or interpreting – their very essence.

Awards are up to $50,000 to single projects and a maximum of $100,000 per recipient organization. The Contributions Program is structured to provide funding for eligible expenses within the fiscal year (April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024).

Full details of this call can be found here.

Dalhousie is limited to submitting applications totaling up to $100,000 for this competition, and an internal Notice of Intent will be required. Please contact with a one paragraph summary of your project, expected budget request, and list of research team members by Wednesday, January 18.  

Contact Details




Notice of Intent: January 18, 2023 (submit to only)
Full application: January 30, 2023 at 4:30pm


Full Application: February 10, 2023, at 11:59 PM