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Seeking volunteers: Appropriate Review of Indigenous Research

Posted by Jaq-Lin Larder on March 9, 2020 in Announcements

This past January, the Canada Research Coordinating Committee was pleased to publish the 2019 - 2022 Strategic Plan for setting new directions to support Indigenous research and research training in Canada

The granting agencies are preparing for the implementation of the Strategic Plan, including through a call for Expressions of Interest for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples to participate in the Reference Group for the Appropriate Review of Indigenous Research, which will provide guidance to all three federal granting agencies on culturally appropriate review approaches and practices for research conducted by and with Inuit, Métis and First Nations Peoples.

On behalf of SSHRC, NSERC, and CIHR, I would like to ask for your assistance in distributing this call to Inuit, Métis, and First Nations Peoples in your networks who would be well-placed to contribute, or to consider it yourself if you identify as Indigenous. The instructions on how to submit one’s candidacy are outlined in the Expression of Interest: the deadline is March 13, 2020

Many thank you’s in advance for your assistance with this request.


Dominique Bérubé, Ph.D.
Vice-president, Research | Vice-présidente, Recherche
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada