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Weston Brain Institute Transformational Research: Canada 2019

Posted by Jaq-Lin Larder on January 7, 2019 in Research Funding

Updated February 25, 2019

This opportunity provides funding ($200,000 - $1,500,000 over up to 3 years per project) for translational research that will accelerate the development of therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases of aging.

There are two main program streams, both now open: the Parkinson’s and Related Diseases Program, and the Alzheimer’s & Related Diseases Program. Please see below for deadlines for the Letter of Intent Phase for each (Note: advancement to the Full Application phase is by invitation only). Preliminary data is not required. The list of complementary approaches eligible for funding has been expanded, and applications including other fields such as AI, big data, machine learning, data science, and computer science are being encouraged.

Projects must meet the following conditions to be eligible:

  • Be translational research (excluding clinical trials and clinical trial sub-studies) that accelerates the development of therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases of aging. Clinical trials and clinical trial sub-studies should be submitted to the Early-Phase Clinical Trials or Rapid Response programs; however other translational research using humans or human samples/data is in scope.
  • Be the development of a therapeutic and/or tool and/or select complementary approaches (Please refer to the AD/PD Program Details for more information on complementary approaches that are in scope)

Complementary approaches such as diet, physical activity, sleep, nutritional supplements, speech therapy, and cognitive therapy are now eligible for all funding programs.  

Eligible Principal Applicants must be researchers working in Canada at least 30% of the time at or above the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent, and be affiliated with a Canada Revenue Agency-qualified donee institution located in Canada. Co-Applicants/Collaborators must be at the post-doctoral level or above and can be working outside Canada.

LOI Internal Deadlines:
Parkinson's & Related Diseases: May 8, 2019 at 4:30pm AST
Alzheimer's & Related Diseases: March 25, 2019 at 4:30pm AST

LOI External Deadlines:
Parkinson’s & Related Diseases: May 15, 2019 at 3:00pm AST
Alzheimer’s & Related Diseases: April 1, 2019 at 3:00pm AST

Webinars about the program will be held as follows:

Parkinson’s & Related Diseases: April 3, 2019 at 2:00pm AST
Register for this webinar here

Alzheimer’s & Related Diseases: February 27, 2019 at 2:00pm AST
Register for this webinar here

For more information, please consult the competition website.


Office of Research Services

Inquiries relating to the Parkinson’s & Related Diseases stream:

Inquiries relating to the Alzheimer’s & Related Diseases stream: