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CIHR University Delegate Report: July 2018

Posted by Danielle Andres on July 9, 2018 in Announcements

Hello everyone,

I am your new CIHR University Delegate (UD), taking over from Mark Filiaggi as of July 2018. Thanks to Mark for his service as UD, providing updates on CIHR activities. The July CIHR-UD meeting was held by webcast on July 5, 2018. Here are the highlights.

CIHR President Announced

Pierre Côté chaired the meeting and began with the long-awaited announcement that the incoming president of CIHR, Michael Strong of Western University will take office effective October 1, 2018. He has already been engaging with acting president Rod McInnes and with CIHR staff to begin the transition of leadership. Dr. McInnes completed his role on June 30, and the community is highly appreciative to Rod for his service in restoring confidence in the peer review system.

Peer Review Update

CIHR continues to work on issues of equity and diversity in peer review and has asked the university delegates group to remind all grant applicants to complete the equity/diversity questionnaire when prompted to do so. This is imperative to provide appropriate balance in the quality of grant review.

The peer review observer program is considered a success at introducing new investigators into the grant review committee system and will be continued in the next Project Scheme competition. In April, 400 applicants asked to participate, and 60 were selected. The same process will be used in September, so if you would like to learn about the peer review system as an observer, watch for the call for applicants.

College of Reviewers recruitment is continuing and institutional nominations are vetted by CIHR staff for expertise and experience in peer review. Diversity targets remain an issue on some peer review committees and CIHR is trying to address this concern as it selects committee membership. Please make every effort to participate in peer review when you are asked.

Project Grant Update

Martine Lafrance provided an update on Project Grant competitions. The results of the spring competition will be available to applicants Tuesday, July 10 via ResearchNet. Details and access to the fall competition will be posted on Wednesday, July 11. Deadlines for the fall competition will be August 15 for registration, and September 12 for submission.

Applicants need to be aware that adjustments are being made to peer review panel mandates, and it is important to check these before you register your application. This is essential in order that you get appropriate expertise in the review of your application. Webinar sessions on how to apply will be posted on the CIHR website.

Foundation Grant Update

Dale Dempsey provided an update on the Foundation Grant competition. Notices of award will be available on ResearchNet on July 17. There was also an advance notice of an important announcement about the program that will be released on Monday, July 9.

Strategic Grant Update

Nathalie Gendron provided an update on Strategic Grants. The Catalyst Grant: Sex as a Variable in Biomedical Research (201711SVB) received 166 proposals, and 29 were funded for 2 years each ($4,316,561 total investment). The Operating Grant: SPOR Innovative Clinical Trial Multi-Year Grant (201801MYG) received 21 proposals, and 7 were funded for 4 years each ($9,342,284 investment). Nathalie will provide an updated Funding Opportunities Database to the UD group shortly for distribution. There will be multiple initiatives with deadlines in the July-September period.

Grants Management

Pierre Côté also provided information on the CIHR Grant Management Solution. Tri-council leaders are discussing whether to embark on a streamlined grant submission process and CCV. This group provided a recommendation to senior management on June 11, whether to consider this change or not. A community announcement will be made soon, after the recommendation is considered by the incoming President. There is also an announcement expected in the next 2 weeks regarding a financial management program pilot at 10 institutions.

Next CIHR-UD meeting is on August 2, 2018. Hope you all can enjoy some of the good weather before launching into the next grant application cycle. Bye for now!!

Roger McLeod
CIHR University Delegate
Associate Dean (Research)
Faculty of Medicine