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Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute (CCSRI): Impact Grants, Stage 2

Posted by Danielle Andres on July 3, 2018 in Research Funding

The Impact Grant program is intended to contribute to the scientific idea ‘pipeline’ by supporting significant progression in cancer research programs that are anywhere in the continuum from basic high impact discovery to translational work of direct relevance to the clinic and beyond.

These grants have been created to support large, well-developed programs in cancer research that have the potential to make a significant impact on the burden of disease in patients and populations. The goal of the CCS Research Impact Grant program is to provide a mechanism for scientists to adopt innovations and accelerate the application of new knowledge to address problems in cancer research that have the potential for practical application.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to form multidisciplinary teams including early career investigators, to provide mentorship and development opportunities for Canada’s future cancer researchers.

CCS welcomes applications for all cancer types. Given the merger of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF) with CCS in February 2017, a special call for breast cancer research is being included in the 2018 Impact Grant funding opportunity. For applicants wishing to be considered under the breast cancer research initiative, a relevance statement is required that explicitly demonstrates how the project is relevant to breast cancer.

For further details on the program, please consult the website.

For more information, Dalhousie researchers are asked to contact: or

Internal application deadline: Thursday, August 30, 2018
Agency application deadline: Thursday, September 13, 2018