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CIHR Operating Grant : Understanding the Health Impact of Inactivity

Posted by Danielle Andres on May 28, 2018 in Research Funding

The "Understanding the Health Impact of Inactivity" funding opportunity is the first component under the CIHR Transitions in Care Initiative. It is aimed at improving the health and wellness of Canadians by supporting research that informs the health system to optimize the outcomes of patients experiencing transitions in care.

The present funding opportunity will support an inactivity study including a countermeasure intervention study involving older adults (55-65) for which all basic infrastructure costs, including standardized measurements on participants (such as described in the Guidelines for Standardization of Bed Rest Studies in the Spaceflight Context [ PDF (5.3 MB) - external link ]), a medical team, and surveillance on site (at a specific bed rest facility), will be covered by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The successful applicants' research projects will run in parallel and will all be integrated into an overall coordinated protocol. A planning workshop will be held in January or February 2019 (date to be confirmed) in order to coordinate the protocols.

The ultimate goals of this call are to develop solutions for:

1.     Older adults experiencing periods of inactivity in order to inform transitions in care and/or improve their quality of life.

2.     Astronauts during spaceflights and during their extended stays in the International Space Station, as well as in the foreseen deep space exploration program.

For further details on the program, please visit the researchnet page

Any Dalhousie researcher interested in this opportunity is asked to contact or for more information.

Agency Registration Deadline: July 24, 2018
DRS Internal Deadline: August 7, 2018
Agency Application Deadline: August 21, 2018