Funding, News and Announcements
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To all Dalhousie Laboratories,
The Environmental Health and Safety Office is pleased to announce they will be launching the Chemical Inventory Module of the EHS Assistant, starting in November.
Modules used to track the use of radioactive isotopes and bioagents were activated in March 2016 and have been received with positive feedback.
The Chemical Inventory Module is web-based, which will enable lab personnel to keep tab of their chemicals and requirements, provide access to Safety Data Sheets and help to ensure labs are compliant with the Occupational Health & Safety Act.
To schedule a training time for your lab, please email Barbara Thompson
· Please keep a current chemical inventory as you await to be contacted.
· Please use the Chemical Inventory Template to ensure that your inventory will be uploaded seamlessly to the EHS Assistant. Inventories previously received in this format will be uploaded in the system; PI’s will be asked to reconcile this with their current inventory.
· Those who already have access to the EHS Assistant will be sent instructions on how to use the Chemical Inventory Module, once their inventory is uploaded.
· For all labs who do not have EHS Assistant access, training will be provided and access will be granted at that time.
For further information please contact,
Barbara Thompson
Client Liaison and Support at (902) 494-2789 or email
Environmental Health and Safety Office
902.494.2495 FAX: 902.494.2996
1391 Seymour St., PO Box 15000 Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
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