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Updates to SSHRC Competitions

Posted by Suman Jha on July 18, 2016 in Announcements

Policies, Guidelines, Regulations and Related Information:
1.      Further to the Aboriginal Integrated Research Strategy which launched last May, SSHRC is implementing several pilot measures intended to support graduate students and postdoctoral researchers applying for SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships, Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program—Doctoral Scholarships or SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships. Measures include:
o   a module for the applicant’s self-identification as Aboriginal, in the application form, thereby allowing SSHRC to track and assess participation and success rates for Indigenous doctoral and postdoctoral applicants (note: this information is optional, will remain confidential and will not be used in adjudication);
o   a tick-box to identify a proposed program of study as Aboriginal research, such that SSHRC’s Guidelines for the Merit Review of Aboriginal Research will apply; and
o   instructions for members of SSHRC’s doctoral and postdoctoral adjudication committees to take into account the special circumstances facing many Aboriginal applicants (e.g., the relation of relative delays in an applicant’s academic career due to cultural or community responsibilities, and/or socio-economic contexts).

2.      The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) have developed
the Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management (2016). SSHRC’s Research Data Archiving Policy has been renewed to reflect these principles of excellence in data stewardship.

3.      SSHRC also revised our policies on the Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information to be fully compliant with federal government standards.

4.      The main funding search engine tool has new features for easier access to information, especially concerning joint and special initiatives to assist the research community in accessing relevant information quickly.

5.      The Definition of Terms page now has an updated definition of “emerging scholars”.

Joint initiatives:
SSHRC has embarked on two new Joint initiatives:

Talent Program:
SSHRC has partnered with the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)'s International Law Research Program (ILRP) to support postdoctoral social sciences and humanities research and related activities, in the areas of international economic, intellectual property, environmental and/or Indigenous law. For more information, please visit the CIGI website.

Insight Program:
The Department of National Defence research initiative is a joint initiative between SSHRC and Defence Research and Development Canada, (the Department of National Defence) supporting social sciences and humanities research and related activities pertaining to Defence Research and Development Canada’s research priorities.

In addition:
-      updates have been made to broaden topics for the Societal implications of Genomics Research joint initiative,
-      the Kanishka joint initiative has expired, and
-      the Work and Health joint initiative will become available once again for the 2017 Partnership Grants-Formal Application but is not currently offered.

Program Descriptions and Funding Opportunities:
Descriptions for SSHRC’s Talent Program, Insight Program, and Connection Program have been updated along with the descriptions and application material for the following funding opportunities:
o   Doctoral Awards Funding Opportunities and Resource Centre for Doctoral Awards;
o   Canada Graduate Scholarships to Honour Nelson Mandela Funding Opportunity;
o   SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships Funding Opportunity and Resource Centre for Postdoctoral Fellowships;
o   Partnership Grants – Formal Application, and;
o   Insight Grants Funding Opportunity and updated Resource Centre

Noteworthy changes include Insight Grants merit review structure and updates to the Preparing an Insight Development and Insight Grants research-creation application and further harmonization of invitation process to participants for grants.

Coming Soon:
The descriptions and application material for the following funding opportunities will be updated and launched soon:
o   Partnership Development Grants
o   Insight Development Grants
o   Connection Grants
o   Partnership Grants – Letter of Intent
