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Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Innovation Fund 2017 Competition: Partnering

Posted by Suman Jha on May 9, 2016 in Announcements

For researchers planning to partner on a CFI Innovation Fund application led by another institution, please provide summary information (see below) to Dalhousie Research Services ( by May 27.

CFI IF Application – Dalhousie as Partner

Name of Lead Institution and PI: 

Partner Institutions (in addition to Dalhousie): 

Name of Dalhousie lead PI: 

Names of other Dalhousie researchers (if any): 

Total Amount of Project:

Total Amount of Dalhousie Portion:

Total Dalhousie request from CFI:

Short Paragraph on research program and requested infrastructure:

Sustainability Plan for Equipment (one or two sentences):

Benefits to Canadians (one or two sentences):

Fit with Dalhousie’s Strategic Research Plan: