Funding, News and Announcements
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The following information if from the CIHR Funding News communication:
Changes to the Collaborative Health Research Projects opportunity
The Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP) opportunity has undergone major revisions for the 2015-16 competition. These revisions include new application materials and a newreview process for the Letter of Intent stage, which will improve clarity and provide feedback to the applicants. As well, the budget module has been removed from the Letter of Intent phase, and the Partnership Guidelines have been consolidated and described in more detail.
Application and Funding Policies
Changes to the CIHR Research Reporting System Report
CIHR would like to inform you of recent changes to the CIHR Research Reporting System (RRS) reports. The RRS is a tool that CIHR uses to collect vital information regarding the research outputs of grants funded by CIHR. Reporting on funded research enables CIHR to collate and evaluate information from multiple researchers, track the impacts of individual grants over a number of years, produce updates to show the impact of CIHR funding, and evaluate the effectiveness of its funding programs and strategies.
In response to feedback collected from the research community, CIHR has identified opportunities to streamline the RRS report in an effort to reduce burden on researchers while ensuring that the data captured aligns with CIHR’s reporting requirements. The new report has fewer questions and is a shorter report compared to the previous version.
As a result, all RRS reports (both currently open and new RRS reports) were updated on April 9th 2015. Please note that those grant holders who currently have an open RRS report have been contacted directly by CIHR to discuss the impacts of this change. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact
CIHR Strategic Plan 2014-15 – 2018-19
On behalf of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), we are pleased to enclose theCIHR Strategic Plan and companion brochure in HTML and PDF.
Health Research Roadmap II: Capturing Innovation to Produce Better Health and Health Care for Canadians (Roadmap II) builds on Canada’s reputation as a world leader in health research excellence, and embraces new ways of working with partners and stakeholders through a dynamic framework for research investment. It sets three strategic directions that will enable CIHR to provide researchers with the freedom and autonomy to pursue new ideas, mobilize research communities to focus on health priorities that are relevant to Canadians, and maximize the value and impact of its investments.
As we work to build a sustainable research enterprise, we are helping create a healthier future for all Canadians.
We also encourage you to share these electronic copies with your colleagues and contacts.
CIHR Wants to Hear from You
Absence does not make the heart grow fonder – CIHR wants to hear from you as much as possible. There is a wonderful story to tell about the results and benefits of health research in Canada, but we need your help to truly make this a page turner. And, we need to keep telling this story. So, we encourage you to let us know when you have or, better still, are close to publishing the results of research funded by CIHR. Please drop us a line at
Useful CIHR Contacts
General Inquiries: 613-941-2672
Grants & Awards Information: 613-954-1968
Media Relations: 613-941-4563
Ethics Office: 613-941-6706
Technical / IT Help Desk: 613-941-0068
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