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Michelson Prize and Grants

Posted by Alana Milner on January 19, 2015 in Research Funding

The Found Animals Foundation offers Michelson Grants of up to US $750,000 for research in pursuit of a single-dose, permanent, nonsurgical sterilization product or technology for use in male and female cats and dogs. To qualify for a Michelson Grant, a proposed project must pursue a technology, mechanism, or pathway representing an innovative approach to nonsurgical sterilization. Investigators are allowed to submit for "proof of concept" studies in cell culture or rodents (in certain cases), and/or in dogs and cats. Scientists from a diverse range of fields are encouraged to apply, and letters of intent are accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis.

The winning entry for the $25 million Michelson Prize in Reproductive Biology will have, at minimum, the following characteristics:

•    Single-dose, permanent, nonsurgical sterilant

•    Safe and effective in male and female cats and dogs

•    Ablates sex steroids and/or their effects

•    Suitable for administration in a field setting

•    Viable pathway to regulatory approval

•    Reasonable manufacturing process and cost

Full details of both the Grants and the Prize are available here.  

Any Dalhousie faculty member interested in these grants is asked to contact Jennifer Morawiecki in International Research & Development, for advice and support in preparing an application.
