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Message from Social Sciences and Humanties Research Council (SSHRC) regarding Insight Development Grant

Posted by Alana Milner on January 12, 2015 in Announcements


The 2015 Insight Development Grants (IDG) deadline is just a few weeks away and over 1,000 applications are in process. Given that there are no major changes to communicate this year, SSHRC will not organize webinars this year. However, for those interested, an updated version of last year’s presentation is attached.
In summary, the following enhancements and improvements have recently been added to the IDG application form as well as to the Canadian Common CV (CCV):
Insight Development Grant application: Emerging and established scholar module

The Scholar Type section of the Identification module now allows users to more easily determine whether their scholar type should be “emerging scholar’ or “established scholar.”
The questions to determine scholar status have been refined and Emerging scholars are limited to choosing one of the eligibility criteria, and the form will verify their eligibility status by asking for specific dates.
CCV: Importing publications to a CCV
The CCV can now import publication details from external bibliographic databases, such as PubMed, Citeulike, DBLP, Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, Plos, Scopus, and Web of Science. For details, see the Release Notes and How-To sections of the CCV website.
The SSHRC CCV instructions have also been improved and can now be found both on the SSHRC website.
Applicants and university Research Offices are advised to review the SSHRC website for recent updates to the IDG description.
Review process:
The scoring table has been revised to reflect a six-point scale and there will be no committees formed in the former priority areas, other than for aboriginal research (if sufficient applications are received).
For administrators and Research Officers who are completing test or practice applications, we have created a “Test Organization”, which will help prevent these applications from congesting the portal. We ask administrators to select the organization called ZZZ-INTERNAL TESTING ENVIRONMENT.
Finally, please note that since February 1st falls on a Sunday, the application submission deadline will be February 2, 2015 at 8 pm Eastern Time.  We encourage applicants to complete their SSHRC CCV as soon as possible. Applicants should expect that creating a SSHRC CCV for the first time will require a significant time investment.
For technical questions please contact:    
Tel.: 613-995-4273
For Programs-related questions please contact:
Research Grants and Partnerships Division
Tel.: 613-996-6976