Internal Deadline (Application): CIHR New Investigator Forum

CIHR-III is committed to supporting the next generation of infection and immunity researchers in Canada to achieve the highest possible level of scientific excellence. In September 2023 it announced the upcoming New Investigator Forum (NIF) in King City, Toronto Ontario from April 2 – 4, 2024. 

The objective of the NIF is to provide practical information and learning opportunities to promote the professional development of early career researchers, as well as late-stage postdoctoral fellows or research associates, whose research is relevant to III's mandate. CIHR-III and the CIHR HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections (STBBI) Research Initiative have partnered to provide additional funding for travel support to the NIF through the CIHR-III Spring 2024 New Investigator Forum Travel Award.

Application to the CIHR-III Spring 2024 New Investigator Forum Travel Award is mandatory to be eligible to participate in the NIF. Successful applicants will be invited to attend. 


Internal: January 18, 2024 at 4:30pm. Post-doctoral, research associate, and other non-faculty applicants should have their supervisor submit the ROMEO file and write the required letter. 

For questions regarding internal procedure, contact the grants facilitator for your faculty. For additional resources, click here for guidance on internal deadlines and submission processes.

Funder: February 2, 2024 at 6pm AST. Note: Dalhousie is closed on February 2 for Munro Day.
