Deadline (Proposal): Seed Grant Call for Proposals ‑ Electrified, Resilient, and Decarbonized Communities

Concordia University, in collaboration with three partner institutions (University of Calgary, Toronto Metropolitan University, and Dalhousie University), has successfully secured $123 million in federal funding for the Electrified, Resilient, and Decarbonized Communities (ERDC) program through CFREF competition.

The ERDC Program is now launching its first call for proposals [PDF 684 kB]. Seed Grants are open to any discipline and projects must demonstrate potential for leading to future high-impact projects. Projects must address one of the ERDC themes or platforms:

Theme 1: Smart, sustainable, and healthy built environment

Theme 2: Resilient community energy and transportation systems based on renewables

Theme 3: Planning and governance for social equity and citizen engagement

Platform A: Electrification

Platform B: Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Digitalization

Platform C: Living Lab and Knowledge Mobilization

Teams must include at least three researchers as well as at least one non-academic partner. The non-academic partner must make a cash or in-kind contribution to the project. The Seed Grant will provide up to $250,000 for two years. A minimum of 70% of the funding must be used to support HQP. $750,000 has been reserved for projects led by Dalhousie researchers.

Researchers are encouraged to review the attached document [PDF 423 kB] for detailed information on the application process, project guidelines, and evaluation criteria. The deadline for applications is September 6th, 2023.

More information, including the application form, is available here.

For further inquiries, please contact

Internal Deadline: August 30, 2023 at 4:30pm.
Funder Deadline: September 6, 2023
