Information for Suppliers
Payment of Invoices
For payment-related questions, contact Accounts Payable.
Telephone: (902) 494-2302; Fax: (902) 494-2848
Accounts Payable, Dalhousie University
Henry Hicks Academic Administration Building, Room 44
6283 Alumni Cresent
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
This is a guide for individuals and organizations that are, or may become, vendors of goods or services to Dalhousie University.
Bid Opportunities
Bid opportunities are posted at Bidders can create an account to register for bid opportunities.
Features available:
- Email notification of new bid opportunities
- Email notification of addendum
- Download bid documents online
- Submit and withdraw a bid online
- View bid results
It is the bidder's sole responsibility to access and download addenda, updates and new open bid opportunities.
Tendering and RFP
- The content of your bid submission should be limited to information necessary to respond to the RFP or Tender.
- Ensure you have read the Tender/RFP Terms and Conditions.
- Bids will be opened in public by request, subject to the university’s public bid —opening procedures.
- Requests for debriefing from unsuccessful bidders must be made within 10 days of the award notice for a public bid.
- Vendors are able to identify incidents of unfair treatment during a public bidding process through Dalhousie’s Vendor Complaint Process (VCP).
Dalhousie's Policies and Procedures
- Vendors should make themselves aware of the requirements of the University’s procurement policies and procedures to develop an understanding of responsibilities and opportunities associated with doing business with Dalhousie University.
- Review the University Purchase Order Terms and Conditions.
Unauthorized Purchase Methods
All requests to purchase not using a university P-Card or a PO are unauthorized.
The university is not responsible for goods or services delivered without an authorized purchase request.
Vendors should ask for an authorized purchase request if one is not provided by a University employee who is initiating a purchase.
Vendors should contact the Procurement Department when requested to circumvent the procurement program.
Invoice Payment
Invoices and related inquiries should be directed to:
Dalhousie University Accounts Payable
Henry Hicks Academic Administration Building, Room 44
6283 Alumni Cres.
Halifax, NS B3H 4H6
Telephone: (902) 494-2302 Fax: (902) 494-2848
Invoices not sent to the Accounts Payable Department may not be paid.
Non-Canadian Vendors
Goods and services supplied from foreign countries must comply with government-legislated and Dalhousie procedural requirements. Deliveries that do not meet these requirements may be refused at the Canadian border and returned to the vendor.
Purchases made with a university P-Card will include a reference number consisting of “DAL # # # # #”. This number is to be identified on shipping documentation.
Promotional materials, samples and other no charge items are subject to the same import requirements. Advance approval by Dalhousie’s Procurement Department to receive these items is required to avoid rejection of these items at the border.
Vendors are not permitted to misrepresent purchase value on shipping and or export documentation.
Responses to public bidding requests are subject to the same import requirements as the importing of goods. Allow sufficient time for delivery of responses to public bids.
Vendors are advised that sustainability elements are part of procurement considerations at Dalhousie University. Vendors are encouraged to highlight sustainable elements of their responses to quotations and sealed bids even if they are not specifically requested in the quotation or bid document.
Requirements for Suppliers Shipping Products into Canada
If Dalhousie is the Importer of Record
***No tax should be charges, as Dalhousie will be self assessing any required tax.***
Documentation required with the shipment:
1. Commercial Invoice, must include:
- Full detailed description of the good(s)
- Quantity of goods
- Value of goods and currency
- Country of Origin (where the good(s) are physically made)
- Number and Type of package(s)
- Dimension of package(s)
- Where goods are being shipped to and from
- What carrier is shipping the good(s)
- Who’s responsible for customs. If Dalhousie, include Dalhousie’s broker Thompson Ahern
- Must state the Dalhousie PO# or if purchase via P-Card a Dal Reference# (DALxxxxx)
2. CUSMA / USMCA Certificate if shipping from USA or Mexico and for goods valued over $2,000.
***As Importer of Record, Dalhousie University and their Customs Broker MUST receive all documents PRIOR to the goods crossing the boarder to ensure documentation is compliant with Canada Customs Laws and Regulations. All documents are to be emailed to Thompson Ahern International***
Dalhousie’s Customs Broker
Thompson Ahern International
Phone: 905-667-3471
Address: 6299 Airport Road Suite #305, Mississauga, ON, L4V 1N3
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dalhousie’s Procurement/Customs Department at
Dalhousie Campus Maps and Ramps
Halifax Campus maps will offer street views of buildings on campus.
Ramp informaion will provide detailed building locations, contacts, dock heights, dock leveler, truck and road clearance for delivery trucks to access these locations:
- Arts Centre
- Biology (Life Sciences Centre)
- Central Services (Facilities Management)
- Chemistry
- Dalplex
- Dentistry
- Dunn
- Killiam Library
- Mona Campbell
- Psychology (Life Sciences Centre)
- Student Union
- Tupper
Dalhousie Agricultureal Campus (Truro) maps will offer street views of building on campus
Ramp informaion will provide detailed building locations, contacts, dock heights, dock leveler, truck and road clearance for delivery trucks to access these locations:
- Atlantic Poultry Research Centre East - Shipping Room 135
- Atlantic Poultry Research Centre North - Maintaince Room 136
- Atlantic Poultry Research Centre North - Offal Room 129
- Haley Institute of Animal Science and Aquaculture
- Hancock Building
- Hatchery
All remaining buildings on Agricultureal Campus require tail lift for delivery.