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Course Design

Course Design

Quality courses share the same foundational elements that underpin their design, regardless of whether the class is held online, blended, or face-to-face. Although classes will vary greatly depending on the subject matter, the level of the class, and your individual teaching style, learning outcomes are key in any course design. Of equal importance are the assessments that measure students’ achievement of those outcomes and activities that give students opportunities to practice the skills or apply the concepts they are learning.


Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Support students in adhering to academic integrity through communicating clear expectations, reiterating campus guidelines, and giving students opportunities to ask questions.

Online Exam Toolkit

Online Exam Toolkit

Thoughtfully design and create online exams and communicate these choices to your students by using the Online Exam Toolkit.

Core Principles

Students should expect their courses are built around six core principles fundamental to online teaching: Accessibility and Inclusivity, Flexibility, Interactivity, Clear Communication, Instructor Presence, and Supports. These principles aim to assist all course instructors at Dalhousie and King's to prepare, design, and deliver online teaching.

Accessibility and Inclusivity



Clear communication

Instructor presence

