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Equity & Inclusion

Self Identification Questionnaire

Completing the Self-identification Questionnaire for Prospective Employees

Complete the self-identification questionnaire [PDF - 179KB]


Complete a questionnaire

All employees will be asked to complete a self-identification questionnaire, or Dalhousie Be Counted Census, during their employment at Dalhousie.

The questionnaire asks employees whether they identify as belonging to one or more designated groups.  The four designated groups are racially visible persons, aboriginal persons, persons with a disability, and women.  You may self-identify in more than one designated group. Definitions of each designated group are included on the questionnaire.  

Participation is critical

Completion of the questionnaire is voluntary, however, participation of every employee in completing the Workforce Profile is critical to the success of our Employment Equity program at Dalhousie and to ensure we are meeting our obligations under the Federal Contractors Program.  Federal Contractors Program requirements oblige us to have at least an 80 per cent return rate to remain in compliance.  Your response contributes directly to having an accurate representation of our Dalhousie employee community and ensures programs and initiatives are targeted where they are most in need.

Responses are confidential

Your responses are held in the strictest confidence. Only authorized staff in Human Rights and Equity Services, and Human Resources where applicable, have access to the information you provide. 

Your responses are used in summary form to show compliance with Federal Contractors Program requirements, monitor the University’s progress in meeting our Employment Equity objectives and help direct targeted programs and initiatives where they are most needed. 

All reports based on this information are aggregated; great care is taken to ensure that no individual can be identified.

Many opportunities to self-identify

When you applied for employment at Dalhousie, you were likely asked to complete a self-identification questionnaire. The Employment Equity Act and Federal Contractors Program requirements clearly states clearly prohibit us from using information collected at the application stage for FCP reporting. Once hired, you will be asked to complete the Employment Equity Workforce profile. Information collected in this profile is the only information we may use for FCP reporting purposes.

You may also wish to change your self-identification information during the course of your employment at Dalhousie. Some employees may choose not to self-identify at the time of hire, and may wish to self-identify at a later date. Or some information may have changed, as in the case of a disability, and you may need to update your status as a designated group member.

You may request a paper form from our office or you may complete the fillable form on our website.
