Studio Course: Gamification and Game‑Based Learning
This studio course will explore the use of gamification and game-based learning in the higher education context. Topics include exploring how play can enhance student learning, what gamification and game-based learning are, and how they are similar and distinct from one another. We will explore different types of games, some key game mechanics and characteristics, and how these can be applied to learning activities. We will also explore how to design meaningful and educational learning experiences by incorporating existing games into your course. Participants will gain practical experience with gamification and game-based learning by experiencing those concepts as they are applied in the design of the course, and will have opportunities to discuss and develop their own implementations of gamification and/or game-based learning in their own courses.
The course design is blended, and participation is very flexible. Many activities will be asynchronous online activities. There will be a weekly synchronous session (sometimes virtual, sometimes in-person, and sometimes hybrid). Synchronous session times will be determined within the course in consultation with the participants. Participation in the synchronous/in-person sessions is not mandatory, but it’s highly recommended you make it to as many as you can! Successful completion of this course should not require more than about 2 hours/week. The final project is to design a gamification or game-based learning implementation for one of your courses.
No prior gaming experience is required to participate in this course, but participation will certainly involve play!
Kate Thompson (she/her), PhD
Educational Developer (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning)
Enrolment spaces in the course are limited. Please do not register at this time if you have already completed two Studio Courses. If more spaces become available, another Announcement to that effect will be posted.
*If the course is full, please email to be added to the waitlist.