TA Support for Multilingual Writers

Tuesday, March 5, 2024
2–3 p.m.
Online via Microsoft Teams

This workshop will investigate the differing needs of Dalhousie’s multilingual students in order to best prepare TAs to deliver meaningful, useful feedback on their writing assignments. We will first explore the many ways in which a student may identify as “multilingual” and then delve into the two most common groups of multilingual students at Dalhousie: international students and domestic English as an Additional Language (EAL) students. This workshop will outline the distinct supports that TAs can offer multilingual students to build on their existing strengths and help them succeed as emerging academic writers.


At the end of this workshop participants will:

  1. Understand the ways in which students may identify as multilingual and understand the varying strengths and needs of this diverse group of students in terms of their academic writing skills.
  2. Identify common writing needs of multilingual students and match these writing needs with writing strategies and resources.
  3. Leave with a tangible set of resources they can use as they offer meaningful, constructive writing feedback to multilingual students so they have a sense of belonging within their classroom.


Vanessa Lent, PhD, International Student Writing Advisor

Intended audience

Graduate Students

