The SoTL Process

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Description: Once you have your Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) question, the next steps in the SoTL process are thinking about what evidence will best help you in answering that question, and then how you can design a study to gather and analyze that evidence.

Join us for this introductory and interactive workshop where we will:

  • Work through the different stages in the SoTL Lifecycle,
  • Engage in hands-on work designing your SoTL project, and
  • Plan the next steps for your SoTL question.

Participants are encouraged to come to this session with a SoTL question in mind, as much of the time will be spend on working towards planning a SoTL study.

Dr. Eric Poitras – Faculty of Computer Science
Dr. Kate Thompson – Educational Developer (SoTL), Centre for Learning and Teaching

