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Online Pedagogies

Reports on Use and Perceptions of eLearning

Survey Reports

CLT conducts surveys of faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students to learn about trends in technology use and university teaching and learning at Dalhousie University. The surveys seek to determine attitudes, experiences, and use patterns of institutional technologies, technology-enhanced pedagogy, online tools, and teaching/learning environments.

The 2021-2022 Dalhousie University eLearning surveys sought to understand student and faculty use and perceptions of various eLearning tools and technologies for learning, teaching, and working. As in the past, the survey results will help guide future decision-making around available tools and technologies and the supports and resources offered, and the policies, practices, and supports around online and blended learning. This is especially needed as the pandemic has changed how we all use and interact with technologies in the teaching and learning context.

Based on the results of student and faculty students, we are making four recommendations:

Continue to integrate interactive technologies and digital media into teaching.

Consider expanding use of existing ed tech to support student engagement and learning.

Consider exploring possibilities for blended learning.

Centre student learning, equity, and accessibility through the implementation of UDL.

In conclusion, through the integration of more interactive technologies and digital media; support for online interaction and students’ collaboration through expanded technology use; blended courses designed by careful consideration of the most compatible environment for various teaching and learning activities; and the implementation of UDL, we will continue to see improvements in student and faculty use and perceptions of the various eLearning tools and technologies for learning, teaching, and working at Dalhousie.

Download an abbreviated version of the 2021-2022 survey (PDF 7.1 MB).

You can read the full reports of this and past eLearning surveys on the Resources page. 

