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Online Pedagogies

eLearning Strategy


Strategic Directions for eLearning at Dalhousie

Approved by Provost, October 2019


Our Vision

To offer high quality eLearning opportunities which broaden our reach and provide accessible and flexible learning experiences for diverse learners around the globe.

Strategic Goals

1.     Create an institutional eLearning framework
2.     Enhance students’ engagement in online learning
3.     Enhance faculty pedagogical and technological support
4.     Reward faculty online curriculum development
5.     Expand eLearning opportunities

1. Create an Institutional eLearning Framework - Priorities

1.1     Facilities will incorporate technological infrastructure for eLearning into the next Campus Master Plan
1.2     University Finance/Registrar’s office will create an equitable and transparent revenue model with respect to online programs and courses
1.3     Academic IT Steering Committee and the eLearning Advisory Committee will identify needs to build institutional teaching technologies portfolio, for approval by Provost’s Office
1.4     SLTC, Libraries and Legal will ensure compliance with university policies and legal requirements related to eLearning and work towards compliance with standards set in the 2017 Act Respecting Accessibility in Nova Scotia by 2030
1.5     The Registrar’s Office will clearly identify online and blended courses in the Banner system and facilitate transitions from CCE courses/programs to degree programs at Dalhousie

2.  Enhance Students’ Engagement in Online/Blended Learning - Priorities

2.1     Faculty members provide active, interactive, engaged, participatory online communities for student learning
2.2     Faculty members invite students to be partners in online and blended course development and review as appropriate
2.3     ATS (Libraries), Student Affairs, and Faculties ensure equitable eLearning service standards for online students including, but not limited to, access to e-resources and research support, tutoring, advising, and writing assistance

3. Enhance Faculty Pedagogical and Technological Support – Priorities

3.1     CLT and ATS (Libraries) will develop eLearning Quality Guidelines and website resources for faculty
3.2     ATS (Libraries) will provide just-in-time classroom technology support for faculty
3.3     CLT, ATS (Libraries), and instructional design support staff in the Faculties will provide pedagogical development and technological training for faculty and teaching assistants in online and blended courses that emphasizes best practices in course design and meeting the needs of different learners
3.4     CLT will work with university leaders to establish the importance of faculty professional development opportunities and early consultation with CLT during the stages of online curriculum design
3.5     Faculties and departments will consider new hires with a view to acquiring and developing eLearning teaching capacity where appropriate
3.6     Institutional committees, Faculties and service units will make ethical and effective use of eLearning analytics at institutional, Faculty, program and course level

4. Reward Faculty eLearning Curriculum Development – Priorities

4.1     Faculties/Departments will reflect online teaching appropriately in faculty workload and advanced preparation time
4.2     The Provost’s Office will create grants that support innovative eLearning development and enhancements
4.3     Senate will create an online teaching award and CLT will facilitate a community of practice of award recipients to increase professional development opportunities among faculty

5. Expand eLearning Opportunities - Priorities

5.1     CLT will provide opportunities for faculty and staff engagement in continued and on-going research in the field of eLearning
5.2     CLT/Academic IT will explore cross-institutional resource creation and technological support in Nova Scotia
5.3     Recruitment/Faculties will investigate the potential for expanding online offerings nationally and globally to increase capacity
5.4     All unit Academic Plans and Program Reviews will consider eLearning in the development of new or modified programs


For more information on these initiatives, please contact
