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Change One Thing Challenge Recipients

2024 Recipients

Instructional Podcasting in Introductory Biology

Jennifer Van Dommelen, University Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology

I am exploring the potential for audio instruction in my online introductory biology courses with episodes of the BioTA Podcast. Students listen to an episode and are guided to use specific notemaking strategies – identifying and categorizing key ideas, concept mapping, and line drawing – to represent the ideas of the episode in ways that make sense to them, and to answer capstone questions that connect the ideas in the podcast to other course material. Using podcast episodes that are relatively short and related to course material that students have already encountered reduces their cognitive load, gives them time to re-listen if necessary, and gives them the opportunity to practice generative learning strategies with bounded instructional material. Students have responded positively to the podcast and supporting activities and I plan to diversify the presentation of course material with more audio content.

Enhancing Affective Connections in Science Education: Bridging the Gap Between Laboratory and Classroom Learning Through Case Studies

Shawn Xiong, PhD, Full-Time Instructor & Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory Coordinator, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine

Science learning involves three levels: macroscopic observation, microscopic explanations, and symbolic communication. While laboratory training is meant to connect these levels, many students experience a disconnect between laboratory and classroom learning. Factors contributing to this include separate instructors, challenges in content integration between lab and lecture, outdated equipment in the teaching lab, and grade disparities favoring lectures. To address the disconnect, I tested three theme-based case studies in the lab, co-created with students, to enhance content integration between lab and lecture within BIOC3700: Biomolecular Chemistry. Through three-year study, this approach has shown to improve students' affective connections within and across courses, promoting real-life application, interdisciplinarity, and scientific humility. Given the constructivist nature of case study-based learning, we hypothesize that similar practices can effectively be adopted in other scientific fields of training.

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