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Zdenka Saba Willis

Fall 2016 Honorary Degree Recipient

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)

A healthy ocean means healthy ecosystems—and healthy people. That’s why Zdenka Willis, director of the United States Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Program, has worked tirelessly for more than 35 years to study the global ocean and advance safer, more sustainable ways to make use of its critically important resources.

Ms. Willis’ career in oceanography began in 1981 when she was commissioned by the U.S. Navy after finishing a degree in marine science at the University of South Carolina. (She subsequently completed master’s degrees in meteorology and oceanography and in national strategy.) During her 25 years as a naval officer, Ms. Willis gained extensive experience in the collection of oceanographic and meteorological data and in its analysis and dissemination.

Ms. Willis next served as director of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Oceanographic Data Center, and was later recruited to lead the IOOS program. As its director, Ms. Willis has fostered better coordination among regional ocean-observing systems and relevant agencies in the U.S. and helped standardize the gathering, analysis and dissemination of data nationally and internationally. Her efforts have resulted in many tangible benefits, including improvements in the rapid response to marine emergencies—changes that continue to save lives.

Guided by the mantra "measure once, use many times," Ms. Willis has worked to ensure the free, open sharing of ocean data globally. She has served as chair of the Global Ocean Observing Systems Regional Alliances, is an integral member of the governance council of the Dalhousie-based Ocean Tracking Network, and has also been a passionate champion for ocean science at Dalhousie in general.
