2010 ‑ 2024 Honorary Degree Recipients


Condon, Keith

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Cromwell, The Honourable Justice Thomas

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Currie, Richard J.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Embree, Charles

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Gosling, Nancy

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Hester, Randolph

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Houghton, Sir John

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Koffler, Murray B.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


McCall MacBain, John H.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Nurse, Sir Paul

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Wilson, C.M., Budge

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Winchester, OBE, Simon

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Beasley, Larry

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Bliss, FRS, Tim

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Braybrooke, David

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


de Villiers, Marq

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Duck, Michael

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Duvar, Ivan

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Ells, Dale

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Freeman, Myra

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Mason, Thom

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Petsko, Gregory

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Rand, William Archibald

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Sinclair, The Honourable Mr. Justice Murray

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Boyd, Marcia A.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Conrod, A. L. Burton

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Dallaire, Lt-Gen. Romeo

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Dowling, John E.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Duff, J. Gordon

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Hall, Dame Wendy

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Levy, Eugene

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


MacKinnon, Peter

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Nandan, Satya N.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Olivieri, Nancy F.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Roberts, Robert

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Sanger, Peter

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Shehadeh, Mohammed

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Verschuren, Annette

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Al-Misnad Sheikha Abdulla

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Carmi, Rivka

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Carstairs, P.C., The Honourable Sharon

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Chisholm, John W.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Choo, Kang Soo

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Costello, Ellen M.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Fouquet, Gerhard

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Grimson, W. Eric L.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Jost, Hans Christian

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Lemardeley, Marie-Christine

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Marti, Joaquim Clotet

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Murray, Thomas John (Jock)

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Otlhogile, Bojosi

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Paul, Daniel N.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Precious, David S.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Schulich, Seymour

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Tompa, Frank

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Wetston, QC, The Honourable Howard I.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


White, Nancy A.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Zhihong, Xu

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Aguayo, Albert J.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Borrows, John Joseph

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Brawner, Carroll Oliver

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Demeke, Solomon

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Hill, Lawrence

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Martin, PC, OC, The Right Honourable Paul

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


McGuire, Anne

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Myers, Barton

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Sabia, Maureen Joanne

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Shin, Donghyuk

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Simpson, David W.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Smith, Eldon R.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Craig, OC, Kenneth Denton

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Grandin, Temple

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Langley, G. Ross

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Lynch, Kevin G.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


McAllister, Ian

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Mitchell, Tom M.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Murray, Richard Alexander

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Norman, Christopher

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Noseworthy, MD, John H.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Randell, Joseph David

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Watt-Cloutier, Sheila

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Williams, R. James

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Francis, ONS, The Honourable Mayann

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Gehl, Jan

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Gilbert, John H. V.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Lindsay, Marjorie A.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Mammen, Mathai

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Murcutt, Glenn Marcus

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


O'Brien Pallas, Linda Lee

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Obomsawin, OC, Alanis

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Sobey, David F.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Williams, David Rhys

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Willis, Zdenka Saba

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Blank, Steve

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Burns, Michael

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Cromwell, Elizabeth Gallion

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Davey, Kenneth G.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Downey, Ferne

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Hebert, Chantal St-Cyr

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Mavalvala, Nergis

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Posner, Michael I.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Richards, Carol Lillian

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Sherwin, Susan

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Siren, Lan

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Stewart, Ronald D.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Blackstock, Cindy

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Conrad, Margaret

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Cooney, Peter V.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Davis, Angela

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Dewey, John Frederick

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


DeGagne, Michael D.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Frank, Robert H.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Gerrow, Jack D.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Hansen, Rick

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Irving, Lynn Clark

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Marrie, Thomas J.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


O'Hearn, Peter William

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Sainte-Marie, Buffy

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Saul, John Ralston

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Southwell, S. I. Rustum

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Tewksbury, Mark

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Jacob, Selwyn

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Jean, The Right Honourable Michaelle

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Irving, Sandra L.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Berthiaume, Guy

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Buchanan, The Honourable John

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Deacon, Mary

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Strogatz, Steven

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Thibeault, Rachel

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Bose, Ruma

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Fountain, Elizabeth

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Henry, Bonnie J. F.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Hanlon, James Leo

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Mencher, George T.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Palmater, Pamela

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Paul, Chief Terrance J.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Spatz, Jim

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Woods, David Ainsley

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Barton, Brad

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Cain, Edward

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Atekwana, Estella

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Gray, Michael

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


MacKay-Lyons, Brian

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Mardon, Austin

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


O’Reilly, Una-May

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)


Paul, John G.

Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)