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Academic Support

Study Skills

Compared to high school, there is a greater expectation placed on university students to be more independent about their study habits. For many, this transition can feel overwhelming. This is normal! Check out the options below for developing and enhancing your study skills as a Dalhousie student.

Studying for Success Virtual Workshops

These workshops offer practical skills for a student at any year of study and are FREE. Most sessions are available virtually, making them accessible to Halifax and Truro students. 

Students who attend at least 5 workshops will receive recognition on their Co-Curricular Record (CCR)

Enhance your Time Management Expertise

Do you find yourself wishing there were more hours in the day? So much to do, and not enough time to do it all in? Academics, athletics, extracurriculars, friends, family…it can be hard to find time to fit it all in! Book a meeting with a Writing Centre Tutor early in the term for a 30-minute Time Management Semester Planning! session to help set yourself up for success all year long.

Meet with a Student Success Advisor

Students in Truro looking for one-on-one support with study skills can connect with the Student Success & Engagement Advisor, Gillian Hatch, to review your study plan and for support navigating additional campus resources.

Register for Stay on Track!
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Stay on Track is a free student success program for first- and second-year students designed to help you discover your strengths while making a plan to achieve your academic and engagement goals.
