
What happens with a Code violation?

The process for initiating a Code complaint is outlined in the Code of Student Conduct and summarized below:




A written complaint is sent to the Office of the Vice-Provost, Student Affairs at


The Vice-Provost, Student Affairs decides if the alleged behaviour falls under the Code of Student Conduct and if so, refers case to a designate for further investigation. If an allegation is significant, the Vice President can refer directly to the Senate Discipline Committee.


The student(s) is/are notified, provided a copy of the complaint and informed that they can access the Student Advocacy Service.


The student(s) will be informed of the process to ensure a clear understanding of allegations.


There will be an investigation, if needed, and a recommendation will be provided to the Vice-Provost, Student Affairs or designate about whether the case should proceed with restorative or informal resolution, or should be referred back to the Senate Discipline Committee, or if no finding of responsibility is determined.


An informal resolution involves working with the parties to come to an agreement on how to move forward. This can be done through restorative circles, mediation and/or sanctions/outcomes. Once the case is completed, all parties will sign an agreement to signify that the resolution is final.


If an informal resolution cannot be agreed upon, the case is referred to the Senate Discipline Committee.