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Bader College

Bader College is in East Sussex, England. Students can expect a rich culture and historical environment in a quiet country setting.

The program offers field trips in England and to the continent to complement classroom study. During your international experience at Bader College, you will attend classes in the castle for Monday through Thursday. Friday, and potentially into the weekend, students travel with a professor to sites related to their studies, where they will engage in experiential learning for each course.

Dalhousie University students study here through the Canadian University Study Abroad Program (CUSAP). CUSAP students come to the Castle primarily from Canadian universities as well as from other countries.

Study program 

Bader College offers an upper-year program for students in their 2nd or higher year of an undergraduate degree.


Upper-year Dalhousie students may attend Bader College for one of the following academic terms:

  • Fall Term: September–December (5 courses = 15 credit hours)
  • Winter Term: January–April (5 courses = 15 credit hours)
  • Summer Term: Early May–mid-June (2-3 courses = 6-9 credit hours)


This amazing academic experience is also the most highly funded! You may not realize it, but depending on your level of financial need, participating in the BISC program can cost the same or less than staying at Dalhousie for a term! If finances are your primary concern, this program is an excellent choice!

Students who apply for nomination to this program through the International Centre will automatically be considered for a scholarship of up to $5000 CAD from Dalhousie's Bader International Study Centre Grant.

To be considered for this grant, it is critical that you apply for nomination be the following deadlines:

  • January 1 – Deadline for Summer Nominations
  • February 1– Deadline for Fall Nominations
  • October 1 – Deadline for Winter Nominations

Note: Students who demonstrate financial need are given priority for this award. Please submit the funding application (link to funding page) in addition to your application for nomination to the Bader College program.

Should your demonstrated financial need exceed what the Bader College grant can provide, we will also consider you for Dalhousie’s George Burris Study in England Award. You may also qualify for funding through Queen's University.


Fees are set annually by Bader College and are paid directly to Bader College. The amount owing will reflect any scholarship that is applied to your account.

For more information on these fees visit the Bader College website.
