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There are two types of international travel awards. The first is a bursary that is awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need. The second is a scholarship that is awarded on the basis of academic achievement. All applications will automatically be considered for a bursary or a scholarship, according to the eligibility information listed below. Note: students who meet the eligibility criteria in both areas will be considered for a bursary or a scholarship, but not both.

Apply for funding

Students can complete this form to apply for funding.

Funding application deadline 

Deadlines for submitting your funding application vary depending on the term of your international experience. Deadlines are as follows:

  • Fall: September 30
  • Winter: January 31
  • Summer: May 31

Eligibility criteria

Students must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to be considered for an international travel award:  

a) For international travel bursaries, students must qualify for financial assistance on the basis of demonstrated financial need. Furthermore, students must be in good academic standing with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.5.  

b) For international travel scholarships, students must have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.3 or higher.

c) For bursaries and scholarships, students must be in good financial standing (i.e. no money owing on their Dalhousie/King's student account) to be considered for an award.  

d) For bursaries and scholarships, the international activity must be for academic credit and count towards your degree program at Dalhousie/King's. Funding is not available for non-degree students or for individual travel, research, or data collection activities.  

e) For bursaries and scholarships, students must be enrolled on at Dalhousie/King's the same semester that the international travel/activity occurs. 

f) For bursaries and scholarships, the international activity cannot occur in a student’s home country or country of residence. The bursary/scholarship is intended to support international learning experiences in countries where students do not hold citizenship or residency.

When will I hear if my funding application is successful?

The funding committee meets after each application deadline has passed. A decision on funding will be sent by email to the student’s Dalhousie email account within 4 weeks after each deadline.

Dalhousie financial support

Dalhousie has many different funding opportunities available for students who need financial support to make their exchange dreams a reality. Explore the different options available and apply for internal funding now!

George Burris Study in England Awards

Study/Work International Fund (SWIF)

Emily Bevan Harrington Award

Howard C. Clark International Study Award

Other partially funded programs

Bader International Study Centre Grant

The Killam Fellowships Program

McCall MacBain International Fellowship

External funding

Funding is also available through many private, corporate, and government organizations and associations.

Faculty/departmental funding

Check with your faculty or department for additional funding opportunities specific to your studies. Some options include:

Dal Med Class of 72 Bursaries

Nursing New Ventures Fund

Dalhousie Pharmacy Endowment Fund (DPEF)

Faculty of Computer Science Exchange Scholarships

Student loan funding

Student loan agencies only fund students for study abroad/exchange if they fall under one of two categories:

  • Dalhousie has a written exchange/study abroad agreement with another institution.
  • The other institution has been approved through the Canada Loans Program.

For more information contact the Registrar's Office.
