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Tupper Building & Kellogg Library

5850 College Street

The Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building is the central building of Dalhousie University's Medical School. It houses the Dean's office, the faculty administration, clinical research centre, scientific departments and laboratories. Most Halifax-based classes taken by medical students are held here. The Tupper is also home to Dalhousie's biomedical library, the W.K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library.

The Kellogg Library Learning Commons can now be found in the Collaborative Health Education Building (2nd floor).


Wireless Yes
Study Space Cafeteria (1st floor)
Lounge Area Cafeteria(1st floor) Hallway along glass windows, benches, etc. (1st floor) Main Lobby (1st floor)
Computer Access Kellogg Health Sciences Library (1st floor)
Food Services
Starbucks (Main floor)
Accessibility entrance with ramp, access to all floors

Kellogg Health Sciences Library Hours

