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Tuition & Payments

Mandatory Incidental Fees

For the 2024/25 academic year

Incidental fees are paid by all students at Dalhousie University. These are mandatory, non-academic fees, in addition to your tuition, that help to fund various student programs. Incidental fees are outlined below, and subject to change.

Fees by Category:

Student Service fee

Dalhousie Student Union fee

University Bus Pass fee (U-Pass)

Society Fee

Facilities Renewal fee

Facilities Renewal fee - Recreation Fall & Winter 2024/25

Dalhousie Student Union - Health Plan fee

Medical Campus Response Team

Dalhousie Student Union - International Health Plan fee


Fees by Campus (excludes society fees):

Studley & Carleton Campus

Sexton Campus

Agricultural Campus (Truro)


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