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Awards and Financial Aid

Award FAQs

Applying for Entrance Awards 

Who can apply for entrance awards? Are international students eligible?

What are the value of Dalhousie entrance awards?

Where do I send my supporting documents and awards application? Can I send them or does my school have to send them?

My school uses a non-Canadian curriculum. What grades do I submit and when?

I applied with my OUAC number or NS ID number. Do I need to submit a transcript to be considered for entrance awards?

I applied with my OUAC or NS ID Number or official transcript but nothing is showing up in my Dal Online. Will I still be considered for entrance awards?

I already submitted my official first semester results for admission purposes. Do I need to submit another copy to be considered for entrance awards?

I applied for admissions and was accepted early. Do I still need to send a transcript to be considered for entrance awards?

Do I need to submit reference letters, a resume, SAT/ACT or IELTS scores to be considered for entrance awards?

Do my references need to send any documents?

I am an international student and do not have a 2023 Income Tax Notice of Assessment. What documents should I submit to be considered for financial-need based awards?

I received an early award offer. How do I accept it?

When will I know if I am receiving an entrance award?

If I took a gap year or have not been in school for a number of years can I still apply for entrance awards?

Does Dalhousie offer athletic scholarships?

Should I still apply for entrance awards if I am not eligible for financial aid / student loans?

Do you offer entrance awards for students starting their studies in January?

Can I be re-evaluated for an award based on my final marks?


Accepting your Entrance Award

How do I accept my entrance award?

I have been granted deferred admission. Can I also defer my entrance award?

My award is for first year only. What funding opportunities are available after first year?


How and When: Award Logistics

How and when do I receive my award money?

Is my Dalhousie award recorded on my transcript?

What if I graduate earlier than planned?

Should I keep my award documentation?

Who will be notified of my award?

Do I have to pay taxes on my award?


Entrance and In-Course Award Registration Requirements

What are the registration requirements for my award?

I have been awarded a renewable award. What are the requirements for renewal?

How does Co-op impact my renewal criteria?

What if I have to reduce my courseload or withdraw from university for some reason?

I have applied to Nursing. How does this impact my renewable award?

How do letter of permission or audited classes affect awards?

What if I decide to change my faculty or my program?

May I take fewer classes and still keep my award?

What happens if I participate in an academic exchange program?

When are grades assessed for award renewals and in-course scholarships?

Can exceptions ever be made if I don't meet my renewal criteria?


