Group Tours


We are excited to welcome you and your students soon!

Explore our beautiful campus as a group for an in-person guided tour with one of our current students, or virtually through our Virtual Campus Tour. 

In-Person Tours

We are excited to host your group on campus! These tours will be mainly outside, offered at a length that fits your itinerary needs, and will include visits to academic buildings, student spaces, the library, athletic facilities, and residence when available.

A group visit can be customized depending on your student’s interests and availability on our campus on the visit date. Activities could include a campus tour, interactive sessions, a meeting with an advisor, and lunch.

We kindly ask that requests are submitted at least two weeks prior to the desired visit date, in order to ensure we can accommodate your group.

To request a visit, please fill out the Group Visit Request form below:

Virtual Tours

With a virtual campus tour, you and your students can explore Dalhousie's Halifax and Truro campuses, classrooms, facilities, labs and student residences all from the comfort of your computer. For guided virtual tour options and virtual admissions presentations, please get in touch with our Campus Tours Team.