Bruce P. Archibald, KC

Professor Emeritus of Law


Related information

Mailing Address: 
Room L114C, Weldon Law Building, 6061 University Avenue
PO Box 15000 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2
Research Topics:
  • Labour and employment law
  • Restorative justice
  • Criminal law
  • Criminal procedure



  • BA (University of King's College)
  • MA (Dalhousie)
  • LLB (Dalhousie)
  • LLM (Columbia)
  • Post-graduate studies (University of Paris I


Bar admission

  • Nova Scotia, 1977


Professor Archibald has taught law at Dalhousie since 1976. A member of the executive of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers from 1978 to 1984, he served as the organization's President in 1982-83. He acts as a faculty member for the Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute, and has participated in conferences of the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice and the National Judicial Institute.

Areas of graduate supervision:
comparative criminal law, criminal law, criminal procedure, evidence, labour law and employment

Research interests

Professor Archibald spent last sabbatical leave in various parts of the world doing research on criminal and restorative justice, labour/employment law and globalization, as well as democratic theory human capital investment policy, and integrated labour market regulations.

Selected awards & honours

  • Queen's Counsel (NS), 2002 (King's Counsel as of Sept. 2022)
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) - March 2006: $1 million grant as a member of Community-University Research Alliance studying theory and practice in the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice Program.

Selected publications

  • Bruce Archibald, "Teaching Canadian Labour and Employment Law in the Globalized New Economy: Ruminations of an Aging Neophyte" (2009) 14 CLELJ 139-154.
  • Bruce Archibald, “Let My People Go: Human Capital Investment and Community Capacity Building via Meta/Regulation in a Deliberative Democracy – A Modest Contribution for Criminal Law and Restorative Justice” (2008) 16 Cardozo J Int'l & Comp L 1-85.
  • Bruce Archibald & Jennifer Llewellyn, “The Challenges of Institutionalizing Comprehensive Restorative Justice: Theory and Practice in Nova Scotia” (2006) 29 Dal LJ 297-343.
  • Bruce Archibald, "Co-ordinating Canada's Restorative and Inclusionary Models of Criminal Justice: the Legal Profession and the Exercise of Discretion under a Reflexive Rule of Law" (2005) 9 Can Crim L Rev 215-260.
  • Bruce Archibald, "La justice réparatrice: conditions et fondements d'une transformation démocratique en droit penal" in Mylène Jaccoud, ed, La justice réparatrice et la mediation: convergences ou divergences (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2003).
  • Bruce Archibald, "Citizen Participation in Canadian Criminal Justice: The Emergence of 'Inclusionary Adversarial' and 'Restorative' Models" in Steve Coughlan & Dawn Russell, eds, Citizenship and Citizen Participation in the Administration of Justice (Montreal: Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice/Les Editions Thèmis, 2002).
  • Bruce Archibald, "The Uncertain 'Revolution' in the Canadian Law of Evidentiary Privilege: What Principles Take Us Where" in CM Breur et all, eds, New Trends in Criminal Investigation and Evidence (Leiden: Intersentia, 2000).
  • Bruce Archibald, "The Politics of Prosecutorial Discretion: Institutional Structures and Tensions Between Punitive and Restorative Paradigms of Justice" (1998) 3 Can Crim L Rev 69-99.
"The Constitutionalization of the General Part of Criminal Law" (1988) 67 Can. Bar Rev. 404-454

Service & activity

  • 2007 - present: Chair of Nova Scotia's Independent Tribunal for the Determination of Salary and Certain Benefits of Provincially Appointed Judges
  • 2007 - present: Advisory Committee on Arbitration for the Nova Scotia Minister of Labour and Advanced Education
  • 1998 - present: Member, Nova Scotia Restorative Justice Programme Management Committee
  • 1992 - present: Part-time Vice-Chair of the Nova Scotia Labour Board (and its predecessors)
  • 1984 - present: labour arbitrator in the public and private sectors
  • Formerly Consultant to the Nova Scotia and Federal Department of Justice and the Law Reform Commission of Canada