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Dr Simon Somogyi, Growing Forward 2 Grant Success,

Posted by Stephanie Rogers on March 11, 2016 in News, Research

Congratulations to Dr Simon Somogyi who was recently awarded a two- year, $144,000 research grant from the Growing Forward 2 scheme, with the provincial Department of Agriculture/ Fisheries and Aquaculture the matching funder. The project will involve researching and developing three Nova Scotian shellfish value chains into three cities in China. 

Dr. Simon Somogyi, an Associate Professor of Business at the Faculty of Agriculture, focuses his research on value chain management. Originally from Adelaide, Australia, Dr. Somogyi’s research looks at linking primary producers and their products with specific high value markets.

"Nova Scotia has some of the highest quality shellfish in the world and the Chinese market for Nova Scotian shellfish, particularly for lobster, has increased from about $1 million in 2006 to $115 million in 2015", say Dr Somogyi. “This research and development project will firstly involve consumer research on shellfish consumption and preferences in three cities and then take that information and align every member of the chain that delivers that product with those consumer preferences”.

“We will be working closely with all members of the shellfish value chain, from fisherman in Nova Scotia to retailers in China”. 

Dr Ou Wang, a Chinese national who recently completed his PhD at Ghent University in Belgium will be arriving soon to work on the project.  
