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Career & Leadership

Excellence in Student Leadership Awards

Awards Criteria

Please read through the award criteria carefully as aspects of the nomination process have been updated for the 2024/25 Academic Year. 

Leadership award nominations are open to ALL students enrolled in programs on the Agricultural Campus, which includes diploma, undergraduate and graduate students within the Faculty of Agriculture, and Truro Start students within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Science. 

Students who have previously received an award are not eligible to be nominated for that same award in subsequent years. 

A student may only receive one leadership award each year, apart from the DASA Outstanding Club and Society Contribution to Campus. Students involved in the club or society receiving the above award are eligible for individual awards in the same year.

Students may be nominated for multiple awards. 

Students must be informed of your intention to nominate them. If a student receives multiple nominations for the same award, only the first nomination received will be reviewed. 

Please review the award descriptions for award specific criteria before beginning the nomination form. One to three letters of support are needed for each nomination and will need to be uploaded within the nomination form.

Letters of support should emphasize how the student meets the award criteria, focusing on their contributions during the 2024/25 academic year.

Letters of support may be submitted from community members and organizations, however, a Dalhousie member (Staff/Student/Faculty) must submit the nomination form, as a Dalhousie login is required. 

Questions related to the award nomination process can be sent to 

Phillip Stead Memorial Excellence in Student Leadership Award

Faculty of Agriculture Leadership Award

Campus Housing Leadership Award

Dalhousie Agricultural Students’ Association Leadership Awards

Global Citizenship Leadership Award

Student Governance Award

Advocacy Leadership Award

Student Wellbeing Leadership Award

New Student Leader Award

First Year Experience Influencer Award

Everyday Leadership Award

Best in Barnyard



Who can nominate

Anyone can nominate a student for one of the Excellence in Student Leadership Awards and we encourage staff, faculty, students, and community members to submit nominations. A Dalhousie login is required to access the nomination form.

Students are also welcome to self-nominate. Nominations will open in February. Nominations are accepted for all Dalhousie Agricultural Campus Students regardless of level or year of study provided they meet the specific criteria for each award.

Nominations for the Phillip Stead Memorial Award close on Monday, March 3rd at 9:00 am.

All other award nominations have been extended until Monday, March 10th at 9:00am

How to nominate

It's as easy as...

1. Review the award criteria.

2. Inform the intended nominee. 

3. Compile one to three letters of support for the intended nominee. 

4. Complete the nomination form

5. Upload any required documentaion within the nomination form.

When nominating an individual be as detailed as possible about a student's accomplishments and involvement to prove how they fit the award criteria. It may be helpful to talk with a student about their achievements to better inform your nomination. Letters of support should focus on the student’s involvement during the current academic year, focusing on how this relates to the award criteria. 

A student may only receive one nomination per award. Multiple nominations for the same award will not be accepted. 
